Pekanbaru Jobs & Careers----We are firm in the palm oil industry is located in North Sumatra and Riau will develop its industry in Riau and employment opportunities that will be placed in the following positions:
1. Head of Administration, Education: S1 Accounting / Management (1 person) code: KTU
2. Accounting Supervisor, Education: S1 Accounting (1 person) code: SAC
3. HRD / PGA Supervisor, Education: S1 Law / Psychology (1 person) code: SH / PGA
4. Sortase TBS Supervisor, Education: S1 Agriculture / Chemicals (1 person) code: SS
5. Assistant Supervisor & Foreman Process, Education: D3 Mechanical Engineering (2 people) code: ASP / FP
6. Assistant Stores Supervisor, Education: S1 Mechanical Engineering Industry (1 person) code: ASS
7. Assistant Supervisor Weight Bridge, Education: S1 Administration (1 person) code: ASWB
8. Senior & Junior Analysis, Education: S1 / D3 Chemistry (2 people) code: SA / YA
9. Foreman Sortase TBS, Education: D3 Chemistry / Agriculture (1 person) code: FS
10. Maintenance Foreman, Education: S1 in Mechanical Engineering Industrial / Automotive (1 person) code: FM
11. Electrical Foreman, Education: S1 Electrical Engineering (1 person) code: FE
12. Foreman Logistics, Education: D3 Administration / Computer (1 person) code: FL
13. Finance and Public Administration, Education: D3 Accounting (1 person) code: AK / AU
14. Weight Bridge Officer, Education: D3 Administration / Computer (1 person) Code: OWB
15. Boiler & Engine Room Officer, Education: D3 Mechanical Engineering (2 people) code: OB / OER
- Able to prepare financial statements and understand the accounting cycle (No. 2)
- Mastering Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) (No. 1-14)
- Understand the procedures and problems of human resource management (No. 3)
- Understand about the calculation of salaries and employees' social security reporting (No. 3)
- Understand the analysis results in the production of palm oil industry (No. 8)
- Able to sortase TBS (No. 4 & 9)
- Able to analyze, budget and maintenance of oil palm mill (No. 10)
- Able to supervise and electrical maintenance (No. 11)
- Understand the procedures and the procurement process (No. 12)
- Understand the procedures and processing of FFB (No. 5)
- In place at the Head Office Pekanbaru (No. 2,3 and 13)
- In place in the factory location in Duri (No. 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14 and 15)
- Having good leadership (No. 1-12)
- Having work experience minimum 3 years
- Honest, disciplined, responsible, creative, communicative, thorough, spirit, able to work hard under pressure.
Applications submitted by attaching the left corner of the code to:
Riau Pos Ad Sales Office
Jl. A. Yani No. Code SS 96 Pekanbaru
or via e-mail:
Applications received later than the date of May 31, 2011